It has been a while since I have written up this blog.
I recently did some interpreting at a Christian conference, so I would like to share a number of words and phrases which were difficult to translate.
Here are some which you may find helpful.
I recently did some interpreting at a Christian conference, so I would like to share a number of words and phrases which were difficult to translate.
Here are some which you may find helpful.
- I was frustrated with how I was praying. Я был недоволен тем, как я молился.
- Integrity. Характер.
- You mustn't simply assume certain truths. Эти истины не просто само собой разумеющиеся
- Legalism and licence. Законичество и вседозволенность.
- He was abused by his uncle. Он стал жертвой домогательсва от своего дяди OR его дядя домогался его.
- Discipline. Воспитание.
- To keep his promise. Сдержать свое слово.
- Reform. Обновить.
- There are three items in this list. В этом списке есть три позиции.
Also the difference between обозначает (designate) and означать (signify, mean).
- Это слово обозначает важнейшее ялвение. This word is used to describe a very important phenomenon.
- Это событие означает конец света. This event signifies the end of the world.
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